Depart from Gala Bingo, Osbourne Street, Colchester at 7pm
Cost: £6
Remember! Places for the bus MUST be pre-booked with either John Tweed or John Durrant by Midday on the Monday before the trip. Please use this E-Mail Address for booking places on the Bus (Alternatively, you can call JT on his mobile if it is very short notice).
Note that this runabout is on the 3rd Thursday.
What's a Real Ale Runabout?
It's an evening pub crawl, by minibus to about 3 different rural pubs. The buses leave from Gala Bingo in Colchester at 7pm. At least one bus returns by 10:30pm to connect with any last buses from town. Imagine that, chauffeur driven for the evening to a fine selection of pubs for only £6.
(Shhh... if you're a cyclist then there's usually a few mad chaps and chapesses who do the Runabouts by bike - email if you're interested).