Runabout #16: Stratford St Mary & East Bergholt

Thursday, August 9, 2012 - 7:00pm

Depart from Gala Bingo, Osbourne Street, Colchester at 7pm

Cost: £6

Remember! Places for the bus MUST be pre-booked with either John Tweed or John Durrant by Midday on the Monday before the trip. Please use this E-Mail Address for booking places on the Bus (Alternatively, you can call JT on his mobile if it is very short notice).


What's a Real Ale Runabout?

It's an evening pub crawl, by minibus to about 3 different rural pubs. The buses leave from Gala Bingo in Colchester at 7pm. At least one bus returns by 10:30pm to connect with any last buses from town. Imagine that, chauffeur driven for the evening to a fine selection of pubs for only £6.

(Shhh... if you're a cyclist then there's usually a few mad chaps and chapesses who do the Runabouts by bike - email if you're interested).