Trevor's Trundle

Saturday, August 20, 2016 - 10:00am to Sunday, August 21, 2016 - 9:45am

The ride on the 20th August will start at the coop in Peartree Rd Fiveways Stanway at 10am.

The route will go through copford, Ford St, Fordam, Wormingford and Arger Fen, then cakes and stuff at Assington. Then onto Leavenheath, through the Nayland golf club and on to the Polstead Cock for lunch. Circle round to the Angel at Stoke by Nayland (you'll need a drink after the hill), and then onto the Anchor in Nayland proper. Across the main road to Little Horksley (Beehive optional, if it bothers to open), on to the White Heart at Bergholt and finish at the Live and Let Live. Or if anyone prefers it the Bricklayers.

It's a bit lumpy but very pretty with lots of little country lanes. Approx 34 miles.

If you'd like to join the ride then email Keith at

Meeting Place: 
Leader: Trevor. Meeting place: Co-Op Fiveways on Peartree Road at 10am