Submitted by Al on

Both our Branch Cider & Overall Pub of The Year Winners have gone on to further Greatness and have now been judged the BEST in ESSEX!!
Representatives from all 7 Essex CAMRA Branches have all judged each others winners, and ours were judged THE BEST!!
So Huge Congratulations from a very proud CAMRA Branch to John at the ODD ONE OUT (Cider) & Sheena and Andy at The VICTORIA INN (Overall) and all the Staff at both pubs for this fantastic achievement!
The Oddie has won both County & Regional Awards for Cider before but as far as we know, we've never had a County Winner in the Overall POTY Competition before and to have both?? Well that's just Fantastic!!
Very Best of Luck to both pubs in their respective next round of Regional Judging and Fingers Crossed they can both take it one step further!
Presentations of County Winning Certificates will take place in early June, watch this space for details!!