Second Saturday Spring Stagger: Long Melford & Nethergate Brewery

Saturday, May 11, 2024 - 10:25am

Second Saturday Summer Stagger: Long Melford & Nethergate Brewery

It's a Saturday because there are no buses to Long Melford on a Sunday

Travel by Train to Sudbury, then Bus to Long Melford

1    Meet at Colchester Rail Station - Main Booking Office, at 10:25 for the 10:43 train - Arrives Sudbury 11:21
2    Walk 5 minutes to Sudbury Bus Station
3    11:35 - 750  Bus to Long Melford - Arrives 11:50

Starts at – The Hare Inn, High Street, Long Melford, CO10 9DF
Ambling back via various pubs in Long Melford – Total is 2 miles
Ending up at Nethergate Brewery 
17:20, 18:11 or 19:14 Bus back to Sudbury, visiting a more few pubs
18:26 Train or indeed a later train, they are hourly until 23:26
Travel by Bus to and from Colchester – is indeed possible and details are available on Bus Company websites

Updated 08/05/24