Beer Festival at the Victoria Inn

Friday, June 12, 2015 - 12:00am to Sunday, June 14, 2015 - 11:55pm

Sheena from the Victoria tells us... 

Yup - it's THAT time again. Our 5th Annual Beer Festival. 
This year the theme is North v South....but not in the way that you think. 
Up to 30 ales all from the fine county of Yorkshire. North (scene of Sheenas mis-spent youth) v South (Andys old stomping ground)
Some familiar names plus a host of new breweries possibly never seen before round these parts. 

And....exciting news....the catering this year will be done by our good friend The Duke of Pork. Self explanatory really we think. Hot food available Saturday & Sunday sessions only.

And.....lordy we do spoil you....on the Sunday afternoon there will be live music from another favourite of ours - Lee Warren Probert

See you all at the bar(s)